Category: tech

Facebook Free

"Free cheese is in a mousetrap" - this is what people often say in the place where I was born.


Twitter > Facebook

Signal > Whatsapp

? > Instagram


All social media are collecting data on it's users and sell ads. But what makes Facebook so bad? Facebook is spying on people far beyond the social media platform itself. Many websites are using Facebook Pixel to track user behavior, sending data to Facebook, without explicitly telling us about it. And targeted ads aren't the worst outcome of this. It's in their business model to also sell the data to third parties (literally anyone with $) that may choose to use it against you directly or your country. So this issue has become more than just an individual hygiene, but often times, a question of national security.

There are alternatives to Facebook Messanger and Whatsapp like Signal, that is much more secure and uses full encryption and doesn't have any ads. There are alternatives to Facebook itself (for example Twitter), though not without flaws. What's a good substitution for Instagram? A custom hand-crafted website/blog is a much nicer way to share personal life timeline and image feed without giving away more data than you'd like.

I have been using instagram since it has become available for the general public (Android users) in first half of 2012. Remember it as a platform where people could openly express their creativity with mobile photography taking advantage of the cute retro filters that were quite novel those days. Year over year it was gaining new users and although the overall image quality has been increasing, the content quality has been surprisingly decreasing.

In early 2020 I decided to reshape my habits and abandoned my instagram account. Almost a year after, I finally exported all my history and photos and now going to store the best of them in the feed section of my website and will keep updating my feed.

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Facebook free